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About us

What is it that appeals to you? Eating great tasting food? Spending time rather than money? Doing something purposeful with friends? Or showing your kids how to live the change you want to see? You don't need to be a great gardener to be part of a community garden, you just need the enthusiasm to dive in. I am still a novice, but the more I pick up, the more my curiosity deepens, and I want to share it with the world. Take a stroll through our blog to share in our learning adventures. Pencoed Community Garden works as a collective. We share everything – time, resources, hard work, friendship and of course, all the delicious benefits, including great recipe ideas! It all began with the simple idea of growing a few potatoes, but it’s blossomed into a two acre site of rows, raised beds, a poly tunnel and an orchard, which now feeds fifty people. We have reached capacity, but would love to encourage others to do the same. This is our story. If it speaks to you, then use it as a springboard or a blueprint. Set up your own group and become part of a growing movement of people building resilient, self-sufficient communities. A more connected, sustainable society that happens to taste a lot better. Ready to dig deeper?


A typical Sunday gardening session

Potato picking

No dig

No dig

 We're moving away from traditional methods that disturb the soil, towards a 'no dig' approach. Better for the microbes, and better for our backs! Learn more about this method...

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